Entries by 50sboy

A 50`s Boy`s Bonfire Nite

Being Silsden born and bred we always had special foods on special anniversaries, bonfire night being such an anniversary. Always supposed to be on November the fifth, but it depended on your dad if he was working shifts or away from home, so usually the Friday or Saturday night nearest. That was not a bad […]

Halloween Time in Silsden

The first of October gives just 30 days, or more importantly, 30 nights to prepare for the scariest date on the Gregorian calendar, “Halloween”. Pumpkin growing countries throughout the world grow the fruit for food, but not the UK.(A fruit because pumpkin is a plant that has seeds and grows from a flower.) The most […]

“The Circus is Back in Town”

We took our two grandchildren down to the River Field last night to see the “Circus Mondao”.   I explained to the boys that it would be a small group of people who did many, many jobs. The young lady who took our tickets on entry was the glamorous Ring Master. The clown who sold […]

A 50`s Boys Spring

Boinggg, springing into spring after the fantastic highs of winter was in itself a great season and it seemed to be the shortest season when you’re a kid. The soccer season coming to a head and the thoughts of cricket in everyone’s mind. Almost time to chalk wickets on the various walls and fences we […]

A 50`s Boy`s Winter

Sliding on, Winter brought us liberty bodices with rubber buttons, school jumpers and duffel coats, posh duffel coats had fur round the hood and proper bone horn shaped toggles fasteners, and even posher folks kids had a Gabardine. I had a new dark green jerkin for my first day at the “Top School” when I […]

A 50`s Boy`s Autumn

 September 1st and we fall into Autumn like the leaves off the trees, too cold for shorts now and the worst for us was it was getting much darker much earlier. It seems last week was summer, still in short sleeved T shirts and playing out after tea, but the night comes around 8.00 now. […]

4th Annual Allotment Society Show 2013

The last weekend in August saw the 4th Annual Silsden Allotment Associations show. Once again set in a marquee, on the allotment site on Elliott Street, with over 20 different classes to fight for including, veg, fruit, flowers, home made produce, eggs, childrens classes and a plot scarecrow. Local judges were used to determine the […]

A 50`s Boy`s Summer

Life was so slow and easy growing up in the 50`s. Very few televisions and those that had them only saw programmes a few hours in a day. No other screens of any size or shape to watch, no keyboards and very few home phones. All houses had a wireless and some had transistor radios, […]