Entries by silnews

Silsden Floods – Boxing Day 2015

[envira-gallery slug=”boxing-day-floods-26-dec-2015″] [envira-gallery slug=”boxing-day-floods-2-26-dec-2015″] [envira-gallery slug=”boxing-day-floods-3-26-dec-2015″] [envira-gallery slug=”boxing-day-floods-4-26-dec-2015″] [envira-gallery slug=”boxing-day-floods-5-26-dec-2015″] [envira-gallery slug=”boxing-day-floods-6-26-dec-2015″]  

Public can have their say on long-term development plan which allocates 1,200 new houses for Silsden

  12:51pm Thursday 26th November 2015 By Herald reporter Fears have been expressed about huge infrastructure costs that could result from an increase in the number of new houses planned for Silsden. Changes to Bradford Council’s Local Plan Core Strategy, which sets out how the district’s land will be used during coming years, are now […]

Changes to new homes allocations across Bradford district go out to public consultation

5:05am Tuesday 24th November 2015 By Jo Winrow   People can have their say from tomorrow on changes to Bradford Council’s blueprint for future land use across the district over coming years. The Local Plan will eventually guide where houses, businesses and leisure and retail developments are built for the next ten to 20 years […]

Silsden schools merger

5:33am Thursday 17th September 2015 By David Knights A DECISION to merge Silsden’s two schools has been described as “smoke and mirrors” by a leading councillor. Andrew Mallinson said the decision by Bradford Council’s ruling executive this week does not solve the overcrowding problems faced by Aire View Infants School and Hothfield Junior School. He […]