Entries by silnews

Town Hall refurb uncovers hidden treasures

A revamp of Silsden Town Hall has uncovered a magnificent wooden roof structure and arch window at the top of the building. Bradford Council workers uncovered the majestic scene when they removed a suspended ceiling in the main hall on the first floor.   Coun Andrew Thornton, Bradford Council’s executive member for the environment, said: […]

Tour de France Workshop – Important reminder

From: Tom Jones  Sent: 05 August 2013 14:48 Subject: Tour de France Workshop – Important reminder Importance: High Hi All,   Just a reminder about the Tour de France workshop next Monday the 12th, 5:30pm at the Gumption Centre with important additional points   Those attending must register with me if they are to be […]

Councillors consider taking on buildings in Silsden

Councillors consider taking on buildings in Silsden 9:00am Saturday 3rd August 2013 Councillors and community groups have made a fact-finding visit to the Bradford-Council owned buildings in Wesley Place, Silsden. They wanted to find out how much refurbishment work was needed to make it fit for use as a community facility. Silsden Town Council recently […]

Town Hall Steering Group minutes 24 July 2013

.NG Confirmed that works on the refurbishment scheme are to commence on 29th of July 2013 and the hall will re-open on the 29th October 2013. During this period the building will be closed.  The refurbishment is taking place at the same time as Programmed Works that are part of the Capital Programme The library […]

Tour de France Workshop

From: Tom Jones Sent: 31 July 2013 13:29 Subject: Tour de France Workshop Hi, I am contacting you today to invite you to a workshop event focusing on the Tour de France / Yorkshire! Everyone across the region is really excited both about the event and the opportunities it will bring. We feel that its […]