Entries by silnews

Silsden Youth Council meeting discusses the options for the town’s youth club

5:23pm Tuesday 16th February 2016 By Herald reporter People who want to keep Silsden’s youth provision at its current base in Elliott Street have met to discuss the best way forward. They discussed the uncertain future of the Bradford Council-owned youth centre at a meeting of Silsden Youth Council last Tuesday. The district council has […]

The History of Rugby in Silsden

The following information was kindly provided by Rob Grillo SILSDEN (1) The original Silsden rugby team was said to have been formed in 1883, although the first fixtures located in the local press were in the 1884-85 season. They first played at Daisy Hill, playing in blue & white jerseys, before moving to a field […]

Mixed response for council’s “vastly improved” offer to save Silsden library from closure

5:34am Thursday 28th January 2016 By David Knights   A COUNCIL offer to subsidise a proposed community-run library in Silsden has received a mixed response from local politicians. Cllr Adrian Naylor has welcomed Bradford’s latest proposal to save the library but fellow Craven ward councillor Andrew Mallinson has called for more details. The councillors spoke […]

Major strategy not piecemeal action to protect communities like Silsden from flooding

5:34am Thursday 28th January 2016 By David Knights   A SILSDEN councillor has called for a major strategy to prevent new housing estates worsening already acute flood problems. Adrian Naylor insisted “joined-up thinking” is needed for entire communities rather than just addressing localised flood dangers for each housing development. He said an overarching strategy was […]

Calls for Silsden Beck to be cleared of flood-misery debris

5:32am Thursday 14th January 2016 By David Knights   A SILSDEN politician has demanded an in-depth survey of local watercourses be carried out as soon as possible following the town’s flood misery. Cllr Adrian Naylor fears that Silsden will face far worse problems in future years due to huge house-building and deteriorating waterways. He claimed […]