During the winter months, the farmland to the east of Silsden gets very wet. For most of the time, the water is absorbed by the land and is released slowly into the watercourse, but things change. With the pressure to build more on the green fields services are installed, and not always for the best.

A few months ago a sewerage pipe was installed from Drabble Farm to the top of Middleway. Now, when the fields get very wet (as they usually do in the winter) a waterfall appears from the wall at the top of Aireville Mount and flows down the road making it very dangerous when it is icy. These roads do not get gritted.

Before the sewer was installed there was never a problem on Aireville Mount with water from the fields but since the installation, a sinkhole appeared the other side of the wall, this was filled in with rubble. If you look at the watercourse map you will see it disappears under Middleway and reappears in the garden of one of the bungalows, the conclusion being the water is culverted under Middleway. Has the culvert been broken?