Hi everyone. Following all the ongoing issues regarding crime in the town, Silsden Neighbourhood Watch have organised a public meeting on Weds 26th July at 7pm in the Town Hall.

The meeting will be attended by representatives of West Yorkshire Police and will be chaired by the Mayor of Silsden Town Council. Our new local MP, John Grogan has also agreed to attend, although he will not be able to stay for the full meeting due to a previous commitment to another engagement.

The intention is that we get a good attendance to discuss the concerns Silsden residents have in relation to crime in the area, with a view to setting out some concrete actions to improve this for everyone.

We’ve (understandably) had a lot of people with a lot to say on Facebook, etc., so here’s your chance to come along and have your say to the people who count.

As ever, this event is organised by volunteers, so any offers of help with publicising, or setting up the event will be very welcome. Please contact us via Silsden Neighbourhood Watch if you can help. We’ll be putting some posters up around the town starting this week, so please contact us if you need a copy to pin up in your workplace/community centre, etc.

Please share this information with others who may not be on facebook or the internet, so we reach as many people as possible.


Poster – 26.7.17