Road Safety was a focus of a walkabout in Silsden by local councillor Rebecca Whitaker and a Bradford Council highways officer.

Cllr Whitaker pointed out danger spots to Principal Highway Safety Engineer Simon D’Vali on and around the main road through the town.

Cllr Whitaker, who sits on both Bradford and Silsden councils, has in recent months worked with parish and town councils across Craven’s ward to address highway issues.

She said: ‘’As more housing is built, congestion at peak times is becoming a huge problem across the ward. Residents’ safety must be addressed as a priority.

“The main road through Silsden is particularly concerning as there have recent serious accidents along Bolton Road.”

Cllr Whitaker said

the ‘walkabout’ was productive and allowed Bradford’s principal officer to see at first-hand some of the highway issues faced by Silsden daily.

She added:

“It is hoped that by working with Bradford officers that solutions can be found.”

Cllr Whitaker highlighted the dangers of HGVs that “whizz past” on narrow Kirkgate and mount pavements.

Cllr Whitaker and Mr D’Vali considered potential improvements to parking problems along Kirkgate, and checked road markings around Clog Bridge that needed to be repainted.

The pair spoke to a shopkeeper concerned about the number of cars driving in the wrong direction down one-way Briggate. Mr D’Vali suggested improving road signage.

Cllr Whitaker said

parked cars at the bottom of Skipton Road made it difficult for cars and buses to pass safely, and reduced visibility for drivers pulling out from side streets.

One worried resident, who has collected signatures and comments from other residents, was invited to raise concerns at Silsden Town Council meeting.

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