Silsden Youth Council meeting discusses the options for the town’s youth club

craven_herald5:23pm Tuesday 16th February 2016

By Herald reporter

People who want to keep Silsden’s youth provision at its current base in Elliott Street have met to discuss the best way forward.

They discussed the uncertain future of the Bradford Council-owned youth centre at a meeting of Silsden Youth Council last Tuesday.

The district council has confirmed the building has been identified for ‘alternative estate management’, but insists youth services will remain on offer at locations within the Silsden area.

Silsden resident Robyn Burden, 18, was among those present at the meeting.

Rhiannon Johnson and Robyn BurdenShe said she was looking at the option of whether the Elliott Street property can be run on a voluntary basis, but warned detailed financial information would be required before any firm decisions can be made.

“There are a lot of people wanting to offer voluntary support, but it would be a big commitment to make,” Robyn added. “It’s all up in the air at the moment.”

Silsden town councillor, Margaret Croft, who also attended the meeting, said: “There are other community buildings in Silsden, but you would have to pay to hire them.

“We all agree this is a service that needs to be kept in Silsden. A town of this size really needs its own youth club.

“We don’t want kids out on the streets, and it’s good that at the moment they have a safe place to go to.”

She added the town council is prepared to assist with any initiative to run the Elliott Street building, but is not in a position to take over the premises itself.

“It would be a complicated process, which would need a business plan,” Cllr Croft said.


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