Letter to the Keighley News

29 June 2019

Your front-page lead on June 13 was all about the withdrawal of plans to build a multi-million pound industrial park in Keighley.

It has quotes from two district councillors, Khadim Hussain and Zafar Ali, and John Grogan MP, saying how unfortunate the news was about this £60 million scheme.

I take a totally different view.

I too was at the business-community meeting at Keighley College (in 2017, not 2016) when this development was discussed.

I said at the time that houses on stilts belonged in Thailand, not Keighley, and questioned the wisdom of a 300-car multi-storey car park at the edge of a flood plain.

This plan was rejected by Keighley Town Council twice and only approved last year by the Bradford Council regulatory and appeals committee.

As a self-confessed “off-cumden”, I knew about the local tradition of building on flood plains (Airedale Hospital, where pumps in the basement run 24/7, and the new Saxon Dene building project at Silsden, raising the level of the houses built at the former ice cream factory at Cononley), but I cannot see the point.

A brownfield site like the one planned for the Stainsby Grange development off East Parade would not have any flooding issues, but is nevertheless a derelict wasted site; the former Keighley College building on Cavendish Street is due for demolition, and there is a large open space next to it right in the centre of town.

So where are the developers with imagination, just when the town needs them?


Wood View Road


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