Silsden Post Office Move

In October 2015 Andrew Cathey, our postmaster for the last 25 years said he would be handing his notice in.

The postmaster of the Kirkgate facility, Andrew Cathey, said he intends to hand in his notice in about a month’s time.

Mr Cathey, 62, who has been postmaster for 25 years, said he would have liked to have continued until he was 65, but added he was effectively being “forced out”.

“They’ve cut my wage down and there is more going out than coming in – for the past six months, I’ve been really struggling,” he said.

Now (Dec 2016),  it’s hoped Silsden Post Office can be moved down the street to Twiggs Newsagents.

The Post Office would like your views on the proposed move.

You can take the survey and provide your views on the move by clicking here You have until 30 January 2017 to provide your views. 

You can take the survey and provide your views on the move  by clicking here You have until 30 January 2017 to provide your views. 


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