Town Hall Steering Group minutes 24 July 2013


Note the closure dates

NG Confirmed that works on the refurbishment scheme are to commence on 29th of July 2013 and the hall will re-open on the 29th October 2013. During this period the building will be closed.  The refurbishment is taking place at the same time as Programmed Works that are part of the Capital Programme

Less books

The library layout plans of the new library are attached. It was confirmed that the new library location will stock approximately 2000 books.  Statistics showed that 44% of the stock in the existing library has not been used for more than 6 months.  The stock retained will be stock that is regularly used.  Requests for books not held in the new library will be taken and acquired from other libraries across the district.


A request has been made to the Town Council to use the Town Crest on internal and external signage so the building is branded Silsden not Bradford.

A smart board is to be purchased for the ground floor room which will make the room more appealing for conferencing/business meetings. This will be funded from external contributions.

Date of next meetings 4th September 2013 at Silsden Library and 23rd October 2013 at Silsden Town Hall (works permitting).

NOTE: the above is just a selection of the points, please read the complete account of the meeting here: MinsSteeringGroup_24July2013



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1 reply
  1. Jim Grimley
    Jim Grimley says:

    So what used to be the Reading room which was used six days a week is now to be the new Library, about time too. For the last few years it was such a waste for it to only be used once a month for meetings.

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