Silsden Town Band folds

A historic band has struck up for the final time in its present format.

Dwindling membership has forced Silsden Town Band to fold.

It is hoped the well-known outfit will be reformed as a brass ensemble after the summer.

But members gave the last performance as a full band at the Silsden Churches Together annual garden party.

Under conductor Keith Richmond, they took to the town’s bandstand to play a selection of marches, hymns and pieces from musicals.

Chairman Phil Corp said that at its peak the band had around 28 members, but numbers had slumped. And at a special meeting, it was decided to call it a day.

“In the last year we have lost about a third of our members due to retirements, ill-health, people moving away or work commitments,” said Mr Corp.

“The band could no longer put on a concert without a lot of help from players belonging to other bands.

“The decision to finish was not an easy one, but it was felt it was better to do it now rather than struggle on.”

The band was originally formed in the 1850s and restarted in its present form in the 1990s.

Mr Corp added: “It has been an important part of Silsden life, playing at the Remembrance Sunday commemorations, Christmas lights switch-ons, garden parties and other events.

“We do hope to reform as a brass ensemble and new members would be welcome.”

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