1 reply
  1. Peter Speak
    Peter Speak says:

    Front row: 2. Susan Whitlock. 3. Joan Wainman. 4. Joan Balding.
    5. Gary Newns. 6. Peter Speak. 7. Ian Throup. 8. Tim Shone.
    9. Richard Ayrey. 10. Robert Barker. 11. Raymond Bage.
    Second Row: 1. Geraldine Meehan(?). 2. Christine Bradley.
    3. Marie Clegg. 4. Tony Bower. 5. ? Newby. 6. Garry Bottomley.
    7. Ian Bower. 8. Kevin O’Dwyer. 9. Robert Pridgeon.
    10. Johnny Barker. 11. Michael O’Regan(?).
    Back Row: Lynne Potter. 2. Elaine Emmott. 3. ? Tate.
    4.Christine Hardacre (?).5. Kathleen Brooks. 6. Claire Inman.
    7. Irene Bradley. 8. Susan Parker. 9. Stuart Fowler.
    10. Graham Shuttleworth

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