1 reply
  1. Alan Grosschmidt
    Alan Grosschmidt says:

    Back row from left to right-Mavis Butterfield, Valerie Griffin,Ann Waddington,Shirley Horsefield, Anne Sutcliffe, Shelia Gun.
    2nd from back row. Michael Buddimere, Jacklyn Kettlewell, Howard Davidson, Denise Bradley, Colin Tunnercliff, Gloria Smithson, David Wright, Linda Holmes,
    2nd From front-Elizabeth Inman, Philip Inman, Rosemary Laycock, Lennard Stott, Patricia swinson, Rodney Bartle, Yvonne Scaith Andrew Pickles Heather Tilitson,
    Front Row-Nicolos Tilitson,Keith Jowet, Christopher Smith, Alan Grosschmidt. (Myself)

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